Sunday, October 11, 2020


 This has been a year without precedent in so many ways.  With our normal volunteering closed to us, and the gym not exactly an inviting prospect, we have kept up our programme of woodland walking.  Consequently, things which probably happen every year without us even noticing have been a constant source of interest this year.

Fungi - who knew that there were so many kinds?

Edited to add:  It turns out one of you is an expert! -See Comments.  I am so impressed by your identification of all these species.  Turkey Tails certainly make sense for number five.  Thank you for sharing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for posting all those mushroom pictures - interesting that all of them grow on wood!
in case you are interested here are the names (I'm not familiar with all the common British names, so scientific name comes first):
1. Inonotus hispidus
2. Fistulina hepatica, beefsteak mushroom
3. Fomitiporia betulina aka Piptoporus betulinus, birch fungus
4. Armillaria, honey mushrooms
5. Trametes versicolor, turkey tails
6. Stereum
7. Armillaria, honey mushrooms
8. Hypholoma fasciculare, sulphur tufts, with some honey mushrooms on the right
9. ?