Friday, July 24, 2020

Butterfly summer.

In June this year it seemed like the year of the rose.  Continuous weeks of dry weather meant that there were spectacular displays of roses around the village.

Recently, however, we have been amazed by the quantities of butterflies we have seen out on our walks. Peacocks, in greater numbers than Red Admirals, although we have seen both.



Hedge Browns and Meadow Browns


And, most spectacular of all, Silver-washed Fritillaries, these last so energetic in flight that it is very hard to capture pictures of them at all.

Just this last week, a small, dull-looking insect turned out to be a rare Purple Hairstreak, basking on an oak sapling in the hedge.

And a brown butterfly, the female of the Common Blue.

All identifications courtesy of my husband, who turns out to be an expert.

A little charity knitting. These are small dolls using up oddments, just the right size for a child to clutch.

1 comment:

CarolM said...

Your butterflies are very pretty. We've been able to attract a few monarchs this summer, but sadly no photos yet. I adore the wee dolls. Stay well.
P.S. I still read Jean Miles' daily blog along with comments. For some reason, I can no longer comment on her blog! I send her an occasional email. I do worry about her physical health.