Saturday, June 13, 2015

Beeleigh Abbey

Tis the season for garden visiting. We found ourselves planning a visit to Beeleigh Abbey, which is just outside Maldon.  Amazing that we have not visited before. 

This is the sort of garden where everything is at its peak: roses in full bloom, luxurious lawns, borders in which everything is graded in height...unlike our own plot, where everything grows through everything else.

And, of course, the building is the perfect backdrop.

Just to finish, we dropped down to the Bog garden, and there is a bend of the river complete with reed-beds.  This is the feature we most envied.

First in a series of children's mittens  - not for now, obviously, but for the winter months.   February in New York can be bitter, or so I am told.


1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

February in New York, city or state, is indeed cold. My garden sounds like yours. I love the self seeded surprises best, I think. This year it is a bumper crop of foxglove.