Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin Eaters

The harvesting of the pumpkins: much to-ing and fro-ing with the wheelbarrow and an attempt at the world's strongest woman contest. Such glorious autumn weather, so that we were able to clear the bean row, the corn patch and the courgettes. How bucolic that sounds!

Weighing in at 30 pounds, the big one beat those grown by the nurseryman who has the plot just over from us. Not that we were trying for a record with these. But I did notice last year how well they stored into real winter. And I do like the idea of produce stashed away against the cold.

1 comment:

Jane and Paddy said...

Lovely autumn glow in the light in your pumpkin photo. Here in the Lakes we have had SO much rain. Every now and again half a day of bright makes us all pathetically grateful. Our allotment is waterlogged. Paddy has some materials for making raised beds but can't really get on with it. We have had a few last autumn raspberries and paddy has made some pip-reduced jam.